Artist: Gabin Vallet

Imaginative power workout - your perfect introduction to circuit training

by Christoph

Varied training, maximum training effect and that with minimal time - sounds fantastic?

Circuit training makes it possible.

In school it was the absolute nightmare, but now the imaginative power training is experiencing a real renaissance. It is super effective and guaranteed not boring. Circuit training is not only very simple but also simply ingenious: You do different exercises at different stations. Sometimes the number of repetitions counts, sometimes the time. You do it one after the other, without any big breaks. Because after the round is before the round and it starts all over again!

Ideal for sports beginners to train the whole body and thus also the figure. In addition to strength and endurance, flexibility and coordination are also improved. In addition, by alternating the exercises, different muscles are always trained, the rest can regenerate during this time.

try it yourself! Contact us and arrange an individual workout appointment for you with one of our personal trainers.

Filter locations:

Nibelungengasse 5 | 1010 Wien


Strobachgasse 7-9 | 1050 Wien


Donau-City-Straße 7 | 1220 Wien

DC Tower

Wiedner Gürtel 9 | 1100 Wien


Marxergasse 17 | 1030 Wien


Untere Donaustraße 21 | 1020 Wien


Opernring 13-15 | 1010 Wien

Executive Club

Getreidemarkt 8 | 1010 Wien

Medical Center

Untere Donaulände 21-25 | 4020 Linz

Donaupark Linz

Mozartstraße 7-11 | 4020 Linz

Atrium Linz

Girardigasse 1c | 8010 Graz

Thalia Graz