

Train your
muscles right

Strength training is all the rage. And there are good reasons for this. Well-trained muscles not only make us feel good - they also keep us healthy. They take the strain off our joints and bones and protect us from injury in the event of an accident.

Up to the age of 20, the body steadily builds up muscles, after which it is up to you to become active. You should begin at the latest from the age of 30. From this point on, the body loses 1% of its muscle mass per year. From the age of 60, this process accelerates increasingly.

Regular strength training counteracts this aging process in a natural way: The muscles start to grow again and their energy power plants, the so-called mitochondria, get going again and crank up fat burning. A better anti-aging remedy has not yet been invented.


For many men, arm workouts are the most popular training exercises world wide. But well-trained arms are no longer just a male thing. Even if women imagine the perfect arms a little differently: Little volume, but well-defined, slender upper and lower arms.

Exercise: Biceps Curl
Important: Incorporate palm rotation into movement


For many fitness fanatics, a six-pack is one of the main goals. However, it does so much more than just look good. The so-called visceral abdominal fat is located inside the abdomen and surrounds the organs. It promotes inflammation and releases substances that drive up blood sugar levels. It makes us feel hungry, although there would still be enough energy reserves in stock. A strong trunk supports and stabilizes the spine.

Exercise: abdominal press
Important: Keep abdominal tension during complete movement


No matter how exciting our work may be, we usually spend a lot of time at our desks. Even not at work, we spend most of our time sitting or lying down. Too little movement can quickly lead to back and neck pain. Targeted training strengthens the back muscles and relieves the spine and intervertebral discs - a natural painkiller for back problems.

Exercise: Lift torso (with hands behind head).
Important: leave legs loose, keep tension only through your back


The legs as the largest muscle group in our body are particularly important. Whether it's about targeted weight reduction, the dream goal "six-pack" or a crisp butt: leg exercises are mandatory!

Exercise: Lunges
Important: Do not push knees over toes, keep back straight


A well-balanced, well trained musculature around the shoulder girdle improves posture and thus raises self-confidence. Above all, it prevents neck pain and relieves the cervical spine. Especially professional athletes know: The shoulder joint is particularly susceptible to injury and needs to be protected by well-trained muscles.

Exercise: wide pull-ups
Important: Let your shoulder blades rotate


Good posture with your chest sticking out exudes self-confidence. But well-trained chest muscles dont only protect the male ego, but also protect you from falls. Anatomically, however, the chest muscles are probably the most difficult muscle group to train. Not only the visible large pectoral muscle, must be reached, but also the small pectoral muscle underneath. The shoulder, the triceps and large parts of the back are also crucial for the chest muscles.

Exercise: Chest press (on cable pulley)
Important: Bend elbow horizontally to the chest and stretch almost to the end


To train properly, you need know-how and clearly defined goals: A personal trainer will create a training plan that is specifically tailored to your individual goals. He will help you do exercises correctly, he will guide you through repetitions and prevent you from making training mistakes. He will also help you with proper nutrition and dieting.


Personal Training


With free weight training we reach deeper muscle groups. You are constantly challenged to stabilize your body, which strengthens our coordination and we burn more calories than with guided machines. Tendons and ligaments also benefit from free weight training. It is important, especially in free weight training, to focus on sustainable training. Quick successes should never become the goal. The goal is to train in a healthy way, to avoid injuries and to protect passive structures. Especially in the beginning, work with less weight so that movement patterns can be executed perfectly. A personal trainer can give valuable tips.
– Flavio | Head coach