Fit & active in Old Age
Numerous studies prove: People who exercise regularly age healthier.
Even those who have been unathletic all their lives can still start at 60 and quickly achieve success!
According to these studies, trained 60-year-olds have the same fitness level as 30-year-olds who do no sports. People in their 70s or 80s can still significantly improve their strength and endurance with moderate exercise.
The benefits of exercise are limitless - as is the age for maintaining a fitness routine.

The older you get, the more urgently your body needs exercise - for better organ function, a healthier heart, stronger muscles and an intact immune system.
Exercise keeps people fit at any age, improves blood flow to all vital organs, keeps their blood pressure and blood sugar under control, keeps joints healthy and can prevent arthritis from getting worse. Exercise helps reduce stress and keep you mentally fit.

The ideal safe and regulated routine of comfortable stretches, breathing exercises, balance and coordination exercises, and various workout sessions focusing on different parts of the body are a great idea. So is targeted strength training on our biomechanically excellent strength machines!
The most important thing?
Listening to your own body and consulting the professionals, such as experienced trainers and therapists, who are constantly available in our gyms.

When choosing exercises, it is important to focus on what your body needs and can do. Not everyone has the same fitness level and it is very important to us that you find a trainer suitable for you, who understands your body and its possible limitations. With us, you can get the most out of your training thanks to the high quality of our highly trained trainers.
The best way to train is a combination of several disciplines. We offer from Yoga, Pilates, Group Fitness classes, as the best and most modern strength and endurance equipment, as well as aqua gymnastics and much more in our clubs.

Stay Fit & Active
With our personal training.

We get you in shape.
The best investment of your life is in your own health. As a holistic partner for your lifelong wellbeing & fitness, we make it as comfortable as possible for you. If you are looking for more than just a classic fitness center, you have come to the right place. Discover our diverse and flexible offers both online and offline on site in our branches. Our team is more than happy to get to know you and create a suitable offer depending on your needs.