Artist: FatCamera

Prevention Through Exercise – Staying Healthy in Every Age


Exercise is not just about looking great in your younger years. It's also an investment in your health as you age. While you might not be thinking about it in your 20s, maintaining fitness throughout your life leads to a more comfortable life in your older years. Through physical activity, you can prevent various common illnesses that might hinder you later on.

Staying mobile and keeping your body active is crucial. After all, you'd want to be able to get up and move around easily even at 70, without getting out of breath or experiencing pain with every step. It's never too late to start exercising, and improvements in your quality of life are possible at any age. If you have pre-existing health conditions, it's advisable to consult a doctor to determine suitable sports activities. Optimal conditions naturally arise when you engage in moderate exercise throughout your life. Prevention is always better than cure.

Sport as prevention of diseases

Exercise makes us active and fit. Even our immune system works better in a fit body, making us more resilient, regardless of our age. Regular exercise can prevent joint discomfort, back pain, cardiovascular diseases, dementia, and osteoporosis. It also reduces the risk of falling in old age due to improved body control.

Overweight and lack of physical activity are significant risk factors for various age-related conditions. You don't need to be as fit as an athlete, but any movement is better than none. You'll notice that exercise not only improves your appearance but also enhances your overall sense of well-being. As it becomes easier to move, you'll find more joy in it and become happier. Your body should be a tool for exploring the world, not a hindrance. Don't let your inner barriers hold you back.

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How Much Exercise is Optimal?

Adults should engage in at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week. From the age of 30, the body starts to experience muscle loss and increased fat storage. However, this process can be countered with sufficient exercise. You'll notice that it becomes harder to maintain your current state, build muscle mass, and improve your fitness after this age. It requires more effort, but it's worth it. Without action, you'll soon experience back pain, tension, or weight gain. The loss of muscle mass has numerous negative effects on your life. Accept that maintaining your shape might become more challenging, but it's by no means impossible. Stay focused and consistently care for your body, and it will carry you pain-free through life.

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Exercise becomes particularly important after the age of 40. However, only one in ten individuals engage in sports at 40 years old. This number drops to about 5% after the age of 50. Take more breaks and introduce variety into your selection of sports to stay motivated. Consistency is more important than high intensity.

Best Sports for Those Over 50

Individuals who are untrained should gradually ease into exercise and not exceed their limits. It's recommended to engage in a mix of endurance sports (about 70%), strength training (20%), and stretching/mobility exercises (10%). You can run on a treadmill regardless of the weather conditions. To protect your joints, consider cycling or swimming. You can safely use a stationary bike for training without the risk of falling. Pay attention to your pulse and train at a pace where you can still hold a conversation. This will pave the way for successful training.


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