Our program for a healthy back
Our spine straightens our entire body. Without it, we could neither sit nor walk. The trunk muscles form a supporting corset around this structure.
Back pain has become the number one health problem, especially since the shift of many jobs to the PC. With our Back Health program, you can not only effectively fight pain and become more flexible, but back training also helps you to successfully go through life.
Those who train their trunk muscles evenly learn to keep their body upright and straight. Incorrect postures, such as the hollow back, must be consciously corrected until the change can finally be transmitted to body and soul. You will feel stronger, and you will radiate this. Soon you will notice how the people around you also change their behaviour.
"Upright" is not just coincidentally related to "sincere." An upright body signals trustworthiness and leadership. Would you trust someone who slumps their shoulders and hunches their whole body?
An upright body signals strength and confidence to our counterpart. This physical presence is specifically improved with the right back muscle building. You automatically appear more self-confident and trustworthy and can also use this new body feeling at work because people will gladly give you responsibility. If you are in direct customer contact in your job, your new presence will help you close sales and convince customers.
Never underestimate the suggestive power of nonverbal communication. Your posture in conversation is often more important than what you say.
So, you see, a healthy back brings you many advantages in life, not only in case of pain it is useful to train the trunk muscles regularly. If you start exercising regularly at an early age, you can remain pain-free into old age. Prevention is always better than a cure!
If you already have pain, you should first have it checked out by a doctor and then inform your trainer about your state of health before you start training. He or she will then be able to discuss your specific needs and suggest the right exercises for you, as well as point out which exercises are less suitable for you. In each of our Back Health classes, there is always enough time to respond individually to each participant.
In the 60-minute Back-Health course, the very clear training focus, as the name suggests, is on the back, buttocks, and abdomen. The training of the surrounding and deeper lying muscle groups is in the foreground here.
However, in John Harris' Back Health, stretching is just as important to achieve even greater flexibility. With regular attendance, you can say goodbye to pinching and pulling in your back. Some back problems say goodbye after just several workouts.