
Back Health

Anyone who spends the majority of their working hours sitting down will be familiar with the problems. It pinches, pulls and tightens in the back area. Since many people spend most of their lives sitting, the respective vertebrae of the pelvic-spine area are the most stressed. Even sleeping, people spend most of their time in a position similar to sitting. This is where John Harris' Back-Health course comes in.

What exactly can I expect from the Back-Health course?
In the 60-minute Back Health course, the very clear training focus, as the name suggests, is on the back, buttocks and abdomen. Training the surrounding and deeper muscle groups is the main focus here. However, the Back Health by John Harris also involves stretching and stretching to achieve even greater flexibility.

With regular attendance, you can say goodbye to pinching and pulling in your back. Some back problems say goodbye after several workouts at all.

As is customary at John Harris, despite the group dynamic, each individual class participant is catered to. The trained trainers know exactly where to be particularly attentive and which tasks require pulling in order to declare war on back pain.

Try it out now!
Back Health is not only suitable for back pain. Especially with the trunk and the spine, one can and should act preventively to activate and train one's own muscle groups. To let John Harris trained trainers take you by the hand in order to achieve even better well-being is the be-all and end-all here.

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced exerciser, John Harris' Back Health is well worth the 60-minute time commitment!

Back Health 2024

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