
LesMills Bodypump

The barbell program is designed to motivate participants and help them achieve an effective workout.

Bodypump includes ten tracks. Each track focuses on a different muscle group. The exact sequence and the music composition change quarterly. The training goals are in particular the strengthening and building up of the musculature as well as the targeted fat burning. The training weight is individually adapted to each participant. Through weight exercises such as squats, lifts, curls and presses, all main muscle groups (legs, chest, back) are included in the program. The emphasis is on movements with a high repetition rate (rep effect).

Bodypump is divided in such a way that basic exercises train the large muscle groups and then the smaller muscle groups (biceps, triceps, shoulders). They condition our muscles in a way that makes us stronger for our everyday tasks.

LesMills Bodypump 2025

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