Artist: Ridofranz

Aqua Fitness – Fat Burner Number 1


Senior gymnastics? Think again – Aqua Fitness is the new trend, and for good reason: Water as a fitness tool is an absolute calorie annihilator!

Experience Weightlessness

Traditional cardio and muscle training are taken into the water. We can also label Aqua Fitness as an "All in One" training because it targets endurance, flexibility, and strength. Since water's density is 12 times higher than that of air, water resistance is greater. This means that muscle effort needs to be amplified – but it doesn't imply that you need to exert yourself 12 times more. Simultaneously, the influence of reduced gravity makes our body weight feel 10% lighter.

Artist: Martin Barraud

Positive Results are Inevitable

During this full-body workout, more calories are burned than while jogging – to be precise, up to 400 kcal in half an hour. Say goodbye to excess fat deposits!

Also a favorite of Miss Austria 2016, Dragana Stankovic.

Positive Effects on Joints and Heart

Water pressure can do more: it has a positive impact on the heart and blood vessels. Our cardiovascular system is demonstrably optimized. Aqua Fitness also enhances respiratory function, tones muscles, promotes circulation, massages the skin, and can alleviate tensions. This means effective body training in the water, with a high level of enjoyment!

Filter locations:

Nibelungengasse 5 | 1010 Wien


Strobachgasse 7-9 | 1050 Wien


Donau-City-Straße 7 | 1220 Wien

DC Tower

Wiedner Gürtel 9 | 1100 Wien


Marxergasse 17 | 1030 Wien


Untere Donaustraße 21 | 1020 Wien


Opernring 13-15 | 1010 Wien

Executive Club

Getreidemarkt 8 | 1010 Wien

Medical Center

Untere Donaulände 21-25 | 4020 Linz

Donaupark Linz

Mozartstraße 7-11 | 4020 Linz

Atrium Linz

Girardigasse 1c | 8010 Graz

Thalia Graz