Staying on Track – Our Motivation Tips
We all know it: the motivational slump that hits after a few weeks or months of regular training. How to overcome this dip and reignite your motivation is the focus of the following article. A quick tip upfront: stick to the 21/90 Rule. It takes 21 days to establish a new habit and 90 days to turn it into a lifestyle.
Planning is Everything!
Many will undoubtedly agree with Point 1. Jotting down a list of all the tasks you need to accomplish makes you instantly more productive. This keeps your tasks right in front of you, allowing you to allocate them throughout the day. Ultimately, you'll achieve more and have more time for your hobbies or training. So, create a To-Do list and check off each task as you complete it.
The same principle applies to sports. When you devise a plan, you head into your training session fully prepared. You know which exercises you intend to do – and can head straight to the equipment or the weights area. Not only will your workout be more effective, but you'll also save time. Ideally, set fixed training days to establish a routine.
Keep Your Goal in Sight
Some goals tend to fade from view if they aren't written down or constantly kept in mind. A great way to prevent this is by creating a Dreamboard. Collect various images or texts that motivate you or represent your goal, and pin them to a board. Then, hang this board in a prominent spot. Another approach is to precisely document your goal. To make the journey towards your major goal easier, set smaller goals along the way. And every time you achieve one of your goals, check it off.
Prioritize Your Goals
Want to achieve something specific? Looking to shed 4 kilos in the next few months? Make that your number one priority. If you consistently tell yourself that something else is more important, you'll never get to it and will always procrastinate. Moreover, exercise is an excellent counterbalance to hours spent sitting at a desk. And dedicating an hour to exercise is only 4% of your day – so, what's your excuse?
Have fun
If spending an hour sweating through strength training at the gym isn't enjoyable for you, the likelihood of sticking with it is slim to none. Perhaps group classes like yoga, cycling, or Zumba are more your style. Experiment and discover the sport that brings you joy. No matter what it is, the key is to enjoy it and be passionate about it! Training with friends can be just as motivating, as you'll push each other.
Reward yourself
A highly crucial point: reward yourself! Treat yourself to a day of rest after a successful training week or indulge in your favorite dessert following a week of clean eating. Small rewards motivate you even more to keep going. And taking occasional breaks or enjoying a piece of chocolate is good for your body.
If you adhere to these tips, nothing will stand in the way of your goals and New Year's resolutions for 2023!