

NIA is a gentle and lively form of sustainable fitness training that works without any coercion. In short: Nia is danced joie de vivre!

Unlike other fusion fitness concepts, Nia does not focus on completing as many workouts as possible in a short time. Behind the mixture of different techniques is a different idea: to make as many different types of movement as possible perceptible and tangible, in order to give the body balance, strength and beauty. On offer is an alternation of expressive strength and muscular power, yin and yang, fixed choreographies and short freedance units. Each movement in Nia can be experienced in three levels of intensity (low, medium, high).

Nia means variety of movement and leads to strength, harmony and beauty. This diverse range of movement provides Nia beginners with energy boosts and a sense of accomplishment from the very first practice. For experienced Nia dancers, each Nia training allows you to try new areas, postures and movements. In this way, freedom of movement and harmony in mind, body and spirit are gained in each Nia Class. You will leave each class with a greater sense of balance, whether you have been with us for a long time or have just begun training.

December 2024

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Neues Angebot new class
Abweichender Termin short-term change
Kurs abgesagt class canceled

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The best investment of your life is in your own health. As a holistic partner for your lifelong wellbeing & fitness, we make it as comfortable as possible for you. If you are looking for more than just a classic fitness center, you have come to the right place. Discover our diverse and flexible offers both online and offline on site in our branches. Our team is more than happy to get to know you and create a suitable offer depending on your needs.

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Nibelungengasse 5 | 1010 Wien


Strobachgasse 7-9 | 1050 Wien


Donau-City-Straße 7 | 1220 Wien

DC Tower

Wiedner Gürtel 9 | 1100 Wien


Marxergasse 17 | 1030 Wien


Untere Donaustraße 21 | 1020 Wien


Opernring 13-15 | 1010 Wien

Executive Club

Getreidemarkt 8 | 1010 Wien

Medical Center

Untere Donaulände 21-25 | 4020 Linz

Donaupark Linz

Mozartstraße 7-11 | 4020 Linz

Atrium Linz

Girardigasse 1c | 8010 Graz

Thalia Graz