Guest contribution Jo Weil -
Musical performer
by Jo Weil
After admittedly quite lazy winter and spring months, training for the perfect summer body begins again. After a longer break, it is not so easy to overcome the inner pig and find the right motivation. I am sure that everyone can relate. But where there is a will, there is also a way.
In terms of training, I am again working according to my trainer's method. I alternate daily between certain muscle regions and continuously increase the weight and/or the repetitions. In addition, I have put together an optimal fitness program to achieve my summer body soon. The whole thing, however, always with the promise that I am not completely exhausted, but still have a slight strength reserve. This is how I build up muscle mass quickly and well - works perfectly for me! After an intensive workout, I always treat myself to a little relaxation. I use the wellness area at John Harris for this - it's good for body and mind.

Every few days, I then add in a running session. I love it and it's a great way to clear my head. And if the weather isn't so great, I do my running workout at the gym. It just helps me burn off a little more. I can't overdo it here though, as my body tends to get too thin quickly. 10 kilometers is my perfect distance. As a supplement, I cycle to the theater every day, even in winter. That also keeps me fit - and is fun. Especially now that it's finally getting warmer again. Combined with the nightly show as a "bodyguard" at the Ronacher, it gets me in summer shape quickly and nicely. But never forget: sports should be fun - at least for me. If your body doesn't feel like it at all, I think it's perfectly okay to just take a break.
Jo Weil can still be seen in the production BODYGUARD in the role of "Frank Farmer" at the Ronacher until June 30, 2019.
Nutritionally, I support my training with completely normal food. I'm not a fan of large-scale planned nutrition and trust my body to tell me what it wants and, above all, needs. In this respect, I eat exactly what I feel like. Now and then an additional protein shake is included, but only when I feel like it. The most important thing for me is a portion of instant oatmeal before a workout. They give me the necessary power for the session. In the evening, pay a little attention to the carbohydrates, then it fits!